Key Legal Considerations for SaaS Companies Eyeing Acquisition

For a Software as a Service (SaaS) company, being an attractive acquisition target involves a meticulous legal framework and compliance strategy. Here are key legal aspects a SaaS company should prepare for to enhance its appeal to potential buyers and facilitate a smooth acquisition process:

Handling the Personal Data of People in Other Countries

Handling the Personal Data of People in Other Countries

If your software-as-a-service business handles the personal data of people in countries, you should get familiar with data privacy laws across the world – because you’re likely bound to them and your customers will require that you comply accordingly. If you violate the laws, you may be liable for hefty fines (or worse).

This goes for the personal data of people in the European Union, United Kingdom, Brazil, Israel, Argentina, Russia, or countless other countries. So – what steps do you take to make sure you are compliant?

Must-Do's for Companies Ready to Level Up

Must-Do’s For Companies Ready to Level Up

When you start a technology business, money may be tight, and you may have cut a few corners without a proper ‘legal’ budget because the focus is on development. This is a fairly common practice – but when you are ready to level up and sell to Enterprise companies, explore funding opportunities, or discussing acquisition – there are a few things you must put priority on. This article will give you a high level overview of Must-Do’s for Companies Ready to Level Up.

Forming a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Organization

501(c)(3) Nonprofit Organizations (NPO) are organizations built to further a charitable, social, or beneficial cause – specifically in religious, scientific, literary, or educational settings. NPO’s use the money they make to further their cause instead of distributing it to it’s shareholders, leaders, or members. Forming a 501(c)(3) NPO takes some work, though. This post will give you a high level overview of how to form a Nonprofit Organization.