Key Updates to your Terms for Generative AI Features

Key Updates to your Terms for Generative AI Features

Software as a Service (SaaS) companies are adding Generative Artificial Intelligence (Generative AI) features to their offerings. These features come with additional legal risks and requirements, which means updates to Terms, Privacy Policies, and agreements in general are necessary. This post assumes that your SaaS offering has a well laid out Terms, and will give you a high level overview of key updates specifically for Generative AI Features.

Key Legal Considerations for SaaS Companies Eyeing Acquisition

For a Software as a Service (SaaS) company, being an attractive acquisition target involves a meticulous legal framework and compliance strategy. Here are key legal aspects a SaaS company should prepare for to enhance its appeal to potential buyers and facilitate a smooth acquisition process:

Notifying Customers of Changes to Clickthrough Terms, Policies, and Agreements

Most Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) companies publish click-through Terms, Privacy Policies, and sometimes, Sales Agreements. It’s important to appropriately inform Customers about changes to these legally binding agreements – ensuring clarity and legal compliance. This post will give you a high level …

The Anatomy of a Referral Agreement

Building a referral partner program is a method often employed by Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) companies to grow without the need to hire tons of sales representatives. There should be an appropriate written agreement in place between your business and the referral partner outlining how the arrangement will work with provisions to protect your business.

High Level Overview of Autorenewal Laws

High Level Overview of Autorenewal Laws

Automatic renewal provisions in contracts have been under increased scrutiny. On a national level, The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has been regulating this for decades using Section 5 of the Federal Trade Commission Act. More recently, The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has gotten more involved – filing suits with regards to companies taking advantage of Consumer’s “dark patterns”.

In the past decade, States have enacted “automatic renewal laws” that businesses must adhere to in order to protect consumers in the state. As of December 1, 2022 – 31 states have automatic renewal laws in effect. No two states automatic renewal laws cover the same types automatically renewing contracts, but there are a few commonalities. This post will give you a high level overview of autorenewal laws.

Handling the Personal Data of People in Other Countries

Handling the Personal Data of People in Other Countries

If your software-as-a-service business handles the personal data of people in countries, you should get familiar with data privacy laws across the world – because you’re likely bound to them and your customers will require that you comply accordingly. If you violate the laws, you may be liable for hefty fines (or worse).

This goes for the personal data of people in the European Union, United Kingdom, Brazil, Israel, Argentina, Russia, or countless other countries. So – what steps do you take to make sure you are compliant?

14 Agreements and Policies Every Software as a Service (SaaS) Company Should Have

If you’re running a software-as-a-service company, you should have several key agreements and policies in place protecting your company, your intellectual property, and your investors. These agreements will become important during due diligence with any Investor or potential Acquirer. Here are 14 important agreements and policies every SaaS company should have, broken down into 3 categories.

The Anatomy of a Software Development Agreement

Companies small and large often employ the help of software development firms to build their products. Some eventually hand-off to an in-house team, and others keep the firms to act as their engineering team. Regardless of the arrangement, there should be a clear agreement in place between the hiring company and the software development firm outlining specifics.

6 Things Your Customers will Negotiate in Your Software Sales Agreement

If you’re selling software to larger organizations, chances are the legal department needs to get involved to negotiate some specific provisions in your software license or SaaS agreement (depending on what kind of software you sell). The key here is to make sure you are protected, while still coming to an amicable agreement with your customer. This post will give you a high level overview of 6 key provisions that your customers are likely to negotiate with you on.

The Anatomy of an Employment Agreement Package

An Employment Agreement Package are the documents executed between your company and a new employee. Making sure this package has all the necessary documents and provisions following relevant state and local employment regulations, as well as keeping your best interests in mind is important to make sure you are protected. This post will give you a high level overview of what goes into an Employment Agreement Package for a non-executive member of your team.

Data Security Incident Mitigation for Software Companies

Data security is important for software companies. because most, if not all, are handling some sort of sensitive data. Data security incidents happen, and they will keep happening. It’s in your best interest to mitigate data security incidents as much as possible. This post will give you a high level overview of what you should do to mitigate data security incidents, and be prepared if/when it happens to you.