High Level Overview of Autorenewal Laws

High Level Overview of Autorenewal Laws

Automatic renewal provisions in contracts have been under increased scrutiny. On a national level, The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has been regulating this for decades using Section 5 of the Federal Trade Commission Act. More recently, The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has gotten more involved – filing suits with regards to companies taking advantage of Consumer’s “dark patterns”.

In the past decade, States have enacted “automatic renewal laws” that businesses must adhere to in order to protect consumers in the state. As of December 1, 2022 – 31 states have automatic renewal laws in effect. No two states automatic renewal laws cover the same types automatically renewing contracts, but there are a few commonalities. This post will give you a high level overview of autorenewal laws. Continue Reading High Level Overview of Autorenewal Laws

14 Agreements and Policies Every Software as a Service (SaaS) Company Should Have

14 Agreements and Policies Every Software as a Service (SaaS) Company Should Have

If you’re running a software-as-a-service company, you should have several key agreements and policies in place protecting your company, your intellectual property, and your investors. These agreements will become important during due diligence with any Investor or potential Acquirer. Here are 14 important agreements and policies every SaaS company should have, broken down into 3 categories. Continue Reading 14 Agreements and Policies Every Software as a Service (SaaS) Company Should Have

6 Things Your Customers will Negotiate in Your Software Sales Agreement

6 Things Your Customers will Negotiate in Your Software Sales Agreement

If you’re selling software to larger organizations, chances are the legal department needs to get involved to negotiate some specific provisions in your software license or SaaS agreement (depending on what kind of software you sell). The key here is to make sure you are protected, while still coming to an amicable agreement with your customer. This post will give you a high level overview of 6 key provisions that your customers are likely to negotiate with you on. Continue Reading 6 Things Your Customers will Negotiate in Your Software Sales Agreement