Key Updates to your Terms for Generative AI Features

Key Updates to your Terms for Generative AI Features

Software as a Service (SaaS) companies are adding Generative Artificial Intelligence (Generative AI) features to their offerings. These features come with additional legal risks and requirements, which means updates to Terms, Privacy Policies, and agreements in general are necessary. This post assumes that your SaaS offering has a well laid out Terms, and will give you a high level overview of key updates specifically for Generative AI Features.

6 Key Considerations in Enterprise SaaS Sales Deals

Negotiating a deal with an Enterprise company can be a tricky endeavor. The Enterprise will likely push their weight against your smaller company in negotiating terms – but if you go in prepared with what to expect, you’ll have a better chance of closing the deal in a quicker timeline. This post will outline 6 key considerations in Enterprise SaaS Sales Deals.

The Anatomy of a Data License Agreement

Data is gold now in the digital world, and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) companies collect a ton of it. Licensing access to data has become a huge business model that a lot of companies do in addition to their actual product. If you’re planning to license your data, you should have an appropriate agreement in place. This post will give you a high level overview of what goes into a Data License Agreement.

14 Agreements and Policies Every Software as a Service (SaaS) Company Should Have

If you’re running a software-as-a-service company, you should have several key agreements and policies in place protecting your company, your intellectual property, and your investors. These agreements will become important during due diligence with any Investor or potential Acquirer. Here are 14 important agreements and policies every SaaS company should have, broken down into 3 categories.

The Anatomy of a Software Value-Added Reseller (VAR) Agreement

A common use-case for Software businesses today is utilization of a value-added reseller (VAR). This type of arrangement is when a VAR bundles your software in or with other products or components and resells the resulting, integrated product to end-users under their brand name. A VAR doesn’t use your standard sales agreement, though. You should have a very specific Value-Added Reseller agreement with the appropriate provisions to protect your business, your product, and liability. This post will give you a high level overview of the anatomy of a Software Value-Added-Reseller Agreement.